Taxes For Families

When you're no longer on your own as a single taxpayer, your family tax return will naturally be a bit more complicated. But that's usually a good thing, because it probably means you'll owe less tax.

Step 1. Add Your Family to Your Tax Return

It all starts with who's actually on the return. If you’re doing your taxes with Tax Office & Associates, make sure to get everyone present and accounted for by providing:

  • The Name & Address screen is where you enter yourself and your spouse.
  • The Name of Child or Other Dependent for your children and anyone else you’re claiming as a dependent.

See also:
Who Can You Claim as a Dependent?
Claiming a Parent as a Dependent
Claiming a Child When You’re Divorced or Separated

Step 2. Get the Credit(s) You’re Due

Next you’ll want to take advantage of any special credits that you’re eligible for. We cover some of the biggest ones here:

Child Tax Credits
Adoption Credit
Child and Dependent Care Credit

Step 3. Account for Special Situations

Family life has lots of wrinkles – special situations where you’re just not like most families. Thankfully, you have options and tax breaks that can help a lot.